Marley: “CC is basically our sister now. A sister we only see occasionally.”
Avery: “No she is not our sister. What does basically mean?”
Creating an Urban Homestead
Marley: “CC is basically our sister now. A sister we only see occasionally.”
Avery: “No she is not our sister. What does basically mean?”
I love it!
Isn’t he just full of one liners? Kind of like combo dad/Mike.
BTW, I am going to ask Flash’s permission on this before I post, but we are having some blended family adjustment issues and I’m probably going to post something soon about it and ask people to comment/give advice on what has and hasn’t worked for them with blending families. So think about it if you would and be prepared to comment or e-mail with comments. I’d love to post it anonymously or w/names.
This is a lot harder than I thought it would be!