Went to Art in Avondale Park today. Crisp blue sky, autumn chill in the air. My mom and father-in-law came and helped with the kids, who marched in the parade and did arts and crafts. Ran into many friends and acquaintences.
A perfect autumn day, except for the gaping hole in my heart and consciousness. My husband, love, babys’ daddy, the cohesive whole of my family. Life before all of this was so comfortable, natural.
I am haunted. Can’t shake the thought that Mike would have sat there at least as long as Marley did making scarecrows out of straw. He would have loved that.
This summer I had a bittersweet feeling as Mike, the kids and I watched fireflies in our backyard. I was completely at peace, happy, trying to savor and preserve that feeling of everything being just right.
Yet, I knew that these types of moments are fleeting. And that someday, the kids would be gone and firefly evenings in the backyard would be but sweet memories.
I had no idea how soon they would end. And who would be gone first.
I am just beginning to read your journal…thank you ~ I am honored for this rare opportunity…
My first thought is to share with you my deep belief that writing for some of us is a powerful and courageous way of healing…
Please save every precious word…I promise they will fill your being with insights, comfort, and purpose…
This is the beginning of a brave path to open your broken heart and increase your consciousness and the consciousness of those who are willing to be touched by your spirit…with love from a kindred spirit Juanita